Friday, September 24, 2010

Visual vs. Symbolic Lanuage

face hidden
crying? sleeping?
giving up
messy penmanship
ambiguous ethnicity
strong build
monochromatic image
Starbucks cup- drinking or for change?

language- "very hungry," "please" (might say "please help"?)
Starbucks logo- America?
color- nearly everything is gray, depressing, downcast

A man is sitting at the side of a gray concrete-looking building. He looks like he could be in his 40's. His ethnicity is unclear, but his skin is sort of dark. He is built, not large or skinny, and looks pretty tall. His salt and pepper hair is cut very short, but he is not balding. He is wearing a bluish gray bomber-type padded jacket and dark jeans. He is not wearing a wedding ring or any other visible jewelry. He sitting with his knees drawn up and spread apart. He is clutching a sign in his arms. He holds the bottom of the sign in his left hand, and his right hand is crossed in front of the sign holding a white Starbucks coffee cup. His face is hidden behind the sign, he is hunched over resting his head on the sign. The sign is recycled cardboard and says, "very hungry," and underneath that, "please." It looks like the man is unemployed, possibly homeless, and desperate or ashamed.

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